AMSNY Fact Sheet: Biomedical Research in New York State (2016)

New York State is home to one of the strongest biomedical research communities in the world. With sixteen medical schools, over 100 teaching hospitals, and other top quality research institutions, New York scientists are conducting some of the most cutting-edge exciting research. These institutions are working independently, as well as collaboratively, to maximize their research efforts, capabilities, and outcomes. This is accomplished through the shared use of lab space and specialty equipment, and through combining the expertise located throughout the State to generate superior research outcomes.

New York State’s medical schools are the backbone of biomedical research within the state. Funding for research generates an enormous return on investment. According to a 2010 AMSNY study, for every dollar in Federal and State research funding invested in New York’s medical schools, New York State receives a return of $7.50.

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