New Doctor Empowered by Experience with Pipeline Program

Albert Fernandez became interested in medicine at an early age after hearing stories from his grandfather who was a physician in Puerto Rico. “What drew me to medicine was seeing the impact my grandfather was able to have throughout his career,” said Fernandez. “I was really impressed by his knowledge and how he was able… Read More

New York State Budget Restores Funding to Diversity in Medicine Programs

The Associated Medical Schools of New York (AMSNY), on Behalf of Underrepresented in Medicine Students, Thanks the Black, Hispanic, Puerto Rican and Asian Legislative Caucus (New York, NY) – On behalf of all 16 medical schools in New York State, and particularly medical students from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine, the Associated Medical Schools of New… Read More

Letter to the Editor, Syracuse Post-Standard: Don’t cut funding for diversity in medicine program

To the Editor: I am a Latina who grew up in Syracuse. My parents migrated from the Dominican Republic to provide our family with better opportunities. One of these opportunities that has changed my life and opened many doors for me is the Associated Medical Schools of New York‘s Post Baccalaureate program at University at Buffalo…. Read More