
Statement on Federal Spending Bill from the Associated Medical Schools of New York

AMSNY Applauds Crucial Increases to NIH Budget, Reauthorization of Key Programs

Jo Wiederhorn, President and CEO of the Associated Medical Schools of New York (AMSNY), which represents New York’s 17 medical schools, issued the following statement about the FY2020 federal spending bill passed by congress on Thursday:

“AMSNY is thrilled to see several key provisions included in appropriations legislation which will have very significant, positive impacts on New York’s 17 medical schools and on the state’s bioscience economy at large.

The robust $2.6 billion increase for medical research at the NIH is of particular cause for celebration. This increase allows for a significant opportunity to invest in biomedical research, which is an essential element to New York State’s health care and economic sectors.

Because of its high concentration of world-class research institutions, New York ranks 3rd in the nation for Congressional Districts with NIH awards, and likewise ranks 3rd among states in total NIH funding awards. In FY2018, the $2.632 billion that NY State researchers received from NIH —nearly 7% of total NIH funding—supported more than 32,000 jobs at over 200 institutions throughout New York and led directly to the important advances that drive the state’s bioscience sector.

New York has more medical schools and more medical students than any other state, and AMSNY is intensely committed to strengthening and diversifying the physician workforce. We strongly support the programs funded through Title VII at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and commend Congress for increasing funding to these programs by 8% overall. In particular, several AMSNY members have received grants through the Health Career Opportunity Programs (HCOP) and were very appreciative that this program was funded at $15 million for FY 2020, a 6% increase over FY 2019 funding levels.

Additionally, we are very pleased that Congress has enacted a 10 year reauthorization of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. Since its inception, PCORI has worked to connect patients, clinicians and researchers with critical information they need to make better informed healthcare decisions. This reauthorization will ensure that PCORI is able to fulfil the promise of providing this evidence based research.

AMSNY also supported the inclusion of dedicated funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to study gun violence prevention, the first such funding in two decades.”


The Associated Medical Schools of New York (AMSNY) is a consortium of the 17 public and private medical schools throughout New York State. AMSNY’s mission is to promote high quality and cost-efficient health care by assuring that the medical schools of New York State can provide outstanding medical education, care and research. The combined total of New York’s medical schools economic impact equals more than $85.6 billion. This means $1 in every $13 in the New York economy is related to AMSNY medical schools and their primary hospital affiliates. For more information on AMSNY, please visit: www.amsny.org


Press Contact: Jaime@anatgerstein.com, 347-361-7183