
Pipeline Program Helps Future Doctor Pursue Goal of Improving Community Healthcare

While growing up in Brooklyn, Sheba Ebhote, the daughter of a Guyanese immigrant, saw her family struggle to access quality healthcare.

“There was a disconnect between the providers and us as patients, leading to distrust,” she said.

The experience inspired her at an early age to pursue becoming a physician and work in an inner-city community similar to her own, to provide better healthcare than she received. Data shows that patients who have doctors who represent their own diversity have better medical experiences.

“I believe my life experiences will be of key importance in my strength as a physician that provides compassionate, culturally sensitive care,” said Ebhote.

 She worked hard to pursue her dream, but when she arrived at college, she found that her high school curriculum had not prepared her with a good foundation to tackle college courses. As a result, her grades were not as competitive as other students applying to medical school. However, New York Medical College (NYMC) saw her passion and potential, and offered her a spot in the AMSNY Post Baccalaureate Interdisciplinary Basic Medical Sciences Master’s Program. For Ebhote, the program taught  her  study skills and gave confidence in her academic abilities, in a supportive environment where she was comfortable asking for help.

Because she successfully completed the AMSNY program, Ebhote was offered a spot in NYMC’s entering School of Medicine class.  She recently started medical school and is on her way to achieving her goals of pursuing internal medicine and returning to Brooklyn to improve healthcare in her hometown.