
Dr. David Duggan Appointed Dean of the College of Medicine at Upstate Medical University

David Duggan, MD, has been appointed dean of the College of Medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University, having served as the college’s interim dean since October 2011. He is retaining his position as professor of medicine. Dr. Duggan has been an active member of AMSNY’s Board of Trustees, which is comprised of the deans of New York’s sixteen medical schools, since 2011, during which time he has consistently been involved in the board’s advocacy initiatives and in its’ initiatives to improve medical education.

The entire academic community of Upstate and the member institutions of AMSNY commend Dr. Duggan for his nearly 30 years of service. He has served as the chair of the Department of Medicine for 15 years and as Upstate University Hospital’s quality officer and associate vice president for clinical affairs. In addition, Dr. Duggan has held a number of leadership roles in professional organizations, including treasurer for the American College of Physicians Foundation, president of the New York Chapter of the American College of Physicians Foundation and president of the Onondaga County Medical Society.

Dr. Duggan, a graduate from Hamilton College, earned his medical degree from Upstate and completed his internal medicine residency and his fellowship in hematology / oncology at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Duggan has been deeply involved with cancer research and published over forty peer-reviewed manuscripts, most dealing with clinical care of cancer patients, especially breast cancer and lymphomas. Upstate takes pride in the numerous accomplishments of their alumnus, and looks forward to his future as a leader in medical education.

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